Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Only Now

Almost a month without a post! Wow, you guys know that that means right? I haven’t had too much to post about. My running has been pretty inconsistent. This morning and yesterday I did run however, hence this post! Life is always changing, they say that is the one thing that is constant. Every couple months for the last 2.5 years my schedule has changed with school. Well my night time schedule because I have been working full time throughout. And yet here I am, an entire(regular) semester OFF from school! No class, no homework, no labs, no papers, no responsibility! That was why I wanted to run something this fall, because I need to have something lined up. Technically this would only be my 2nd week of school if I was taking a class. Well I have not had class since July! That is 2 whole months ago! And again, I have not been running.

This morning when I was writing (I started reading ‘The Artist’s Way’ with a couple girls and it suggests you write 3 pages every morning as soon as you wake up) I caught myself about to write negative things “I should be here..’ or ‘I should have done this by now’ but I stopped and instead wrote that I don’t want to feel guilty for not doing something in the past but make more of an effort to do it right now. Totally changed my mood. Then I went outside and ran 5 miles! With the Atlantic City Half Marathon 39 days away, 5 miles is a good place to build from. Nothing I can do about the last 2 months I had without class now. But I can make an effort to do some things over the next couple months that I have not had time to do the past 2 years. It’s interesting how many things I would like to investigate and learn….I think a list may be in order.

Right this is my running blog! Here are some pics from this morning and yesterday morning’s run

"There exists only the present instant... a Now which always and without end is itself new. There is no yesterday nor any tomorrow, but only Now, as it was a thousand years ago and as it will be a thousand years hence." ~ Meister Eckhart

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