Saturday, July 23, 2011

On The Road Again..

I just went for my first run since the race. Just under a mile. It felt okay when I was jogging but once I stopped my knee hurt again. Maybe I will use jogging as my main form of transportation here on out.

Oh and I saw Evelyn who I totally forgot to write in the last post that she ran the midnight run. She showed up with glow necklaces and it was awesome. Just another reminder of how freaking supportive people are. I'm one lucky girl..and also my theory that 'if you post it, they will come' once again was proven.

I'm gonna bring the black brace with me around this weekend and put it on if I need to. I didn't feel much of a difference but isn't that how meds work too? Which reminds me, It was suggested I take ibuprofen too. I need to set my watch alarm to bleep and let me know it's time for my vitamins, don't judge.

"Ambition is the path to success, persistence is the vehicle you arrive in." ~Bill Bradley

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