Thursday, March 15, 2012

Ides of March...

I am stepping it up a notch! Well, in other areas of fitness…Yesterday I woke up with my alarm at 6:10am, strapped my shoes on reluctantly, and walked outside half awake. Tuesday night I went to bed telling myself that the only way I can enjoy the weather is if I wake up early and get out there. It was 60 degrees when I went out and it was amazing! I switched up the normal run to Penns Landing and headed to the Art Museum. I was not the only one who got the running memo, I saw probably 30 runners in the 50 minutes I was out. There was a Boot Camp going on near the base of the steps and I always think ‘man that must suck’ when I run by them. But they are working it, power to em!

I ran to the top of the steps to take in one of my favorite views of the city (see below), then continued on the path to the ½ mile mark. It was nice to run during the sunrise. I was able to get a couple pictures of boathouse row before it was completely light.

       I had been talking with some friends last week about what it is they do to stay healthy. I usually do not weigh myself because I went through a phase of my life when I was consumed with it. I no longer own a scale because I appreciate my peace of mind. HOWEVER, I stepped on a scale Tuesday, for the first time in a long time and well I was not happy. I had a feeling that was around where I weighed these days but I like to overshoot it…when I saw the numbers right there it became real. I do not think I am fat or am going to stop eating or anything crazy like that but I did decide (yesterday) to make a conscious decision to start tracking what I eat, so I am aware of the lack of vegetables, fruits, etc and when I am way over my projected caloric intake. I am now on ‘My Fitness Pal’ and so are a few of my friends. Everyone has lost weight with it which is a great inspiration. Today is day 2 of tracking, so far so good.

I know that I have a tendency of going gung ho for something for a very short time then giving up. One of my friends is a Beachbody Coach and so she has been trying to get us all involved with Beach Body…I caved and joined her Shakeology Challenge. Shakeology is replacing one meal a day with the Shake powder and the challenge will last 60 days. We have to commit to working out 3x per week but I am hoping to do more than that.  

This morning when I got up, I decided to dust off my TurboJam and do that instead of run. I can’t tell you the last time I did it. When I was on Beachbody’s website they said you can do the ‘TurboJam Challenge’ or “P90x” among others and I already own both of those but never use them. I did 60 mins (20 min workout and Turbo Sculpt) this morning! Also a good motivator to workout, is on My Fitness Pal they add calories for you to eat when you exercise and that was my deciding factor this morning, it worked!


St. Patrick’s Day is in two days!!!! I am excited, as always, to listen to some Irish Music, eat some good food, and be around family and friends! I have my green already picked out!! Tomorrow I am planning on going for a run, unless it is raining then I will hit the gym. I hope everyone has a wonderful St. Patrick’s!!!

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