Sunday, December 20, 2009

Let it Snow..

I wish that I had the determination this woman above does. I woke yesterday morning to see a Winter Wonderland. And it kept on coming. All day yesterday it snowed to cover the streets and cars totalling 22 inches. I think that was the number they were using on the news this morning. I woke at 7am when my alarm went off to let me know it was time for the team practice. When I looked outside I decided not to go. I haven't talked with anyone who was at the practice yet but from what I heard of their training in the past, I think that they ran regardless. After contemplating all morning on whether I would pay to go to a local gym for the day or just take a day off, I decided to rest and run the long run today.
I talked to my friend Caitlin, who has the same pace, and she offered to run her long run at the gym with me. I hate the treadmill so I was excited to know that someone else would be there too. We went to her gym by the Art Museum this afternoon. She was nice enough to use a guest pass so I didn't have to pay. Thankfully because they range from $10-$25 just for the day. Not sure how they sleep at night.
Tuesday night when I ran at the gym, it was perfect timing. I started running with about 30 minutes left of 'The Devil Wears Prada." Today it was the same. "Grease" was on AMC and it had about an hour and 20 minutes left. I had to run 7 miles and Caitlin had to run 8 so she finished right as they were singing, "we'll always be together." TV is the only good thing about the treadmill/gym situation. I was really into Grease though and kept running into the bar. It's like I forgot I was running. And I would speed up when the Hand Jive or something upbeat came on and want to slow down when the sappy songs played. I finished my 7 miles in 68mins and 20 seconds. I was under the 10 minute pace, which is pretty exciting.
Because of the snow, the buses are slower than usual. I ended up walking all the way to the gym before a bus even passed me. On the way back, Caitlin was meeting someone in Rittenhouse so I walked with her. I stopped in to grab a Dunkaccino as my little gift to me. I was feeling all hyper when I got home, it was the mixture of endorphins and caffeine. Now I am showered and watching the Eagles, I just got kind of sleepy though. I think my body wants to take a nap. I am not in pain though which is great. Just sleepy.

I baked cookies yesterday and will probably bake more today. I am debating selling 3 for $1 as a fundraiser the next week or so. I think I may just be packing a backpack of cookies. So if you see me around, buy some. For a good cause :) It is hitting crunch time for fundraising. I am going to take the next two weeks to see if any local businesses would be willing to donate a gift certificate or something similar to go toward the auction we will be having at the benefit on the 16th. If you know anyone who would want to do that, please let me know.
I hope that everyone is having a safe, snowy weekend. Thanks for reading :) Go Birds!

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