Thursday, December 17, 2009

A little pain never hurt anyone

Okay so I have not been as good with the blogging as I had hoped. A patient asked me yesterday if I blogged frequently. I stuttered and said about once a week. I have stuff to write I have just been to busy to get it out there. So I apologize to you four dedicated followers for keeping you waiting, haha.

I was unable to make it to Valley Forge on Sunday for the team practice and when I woke up and looked out the window, I wished that I had a team to run with. The rain continued for awhile. I figured I would wait it out by watching some TV. It didn't let up so finally at 2:30, I got out there. After about 3 minutes it really wasn't that bad, because I was already soaking wet. I was supposed to run 5-6 miles ( I have a feeling the team may have run 6 or 7, even though the schedule says 5). I got in almost 5 before coming home. I decided it would be better to run on Monday when it wouldn't be so wet.

Monday, I slept in because the Eagles played late on Sunday. So I ran at night. I felt good, went for 5.72 miles in about an hour.
Tuesday Night I met up with my friend, Maggie, who just ran the Philly Marathon and is running Nashville too.. We worked out for 2 hours. She showed me different strength training things I could after I run at home. It was good to have someone there to make sure I was actually doing it. I am going to look into getting some dumbbells for my apartment, but she was sure to remind me not to overdue it. And to just focus on my running for the last few weeks before the Marathon. The Team in Training coach had told us that the first night too. I am pretty sure that I will be too tired to do anything else but run, but I am glad I was told.
Yesterday I was feeling the strength training!!! And I started to think about this blog. I wanted to write about the pain (which is really not too bad, but it is the first pain that I am feeling since I started training a month ago). Maggie gave me a book about Marathons that I have been reading. It says in there that most people go to watch a marathon to watch the runners suffer. Like not in a sick 'I hope this is killing you' way, but just to see how much a person can put themselves through. I never thought of it that way but I do now. The pain is a part of the victory. Just like training is a part of the race. I played with the schedule and took yesterday off.
This morning I ran 4.5 miles. It is getting Chilly! 27 degrees when I went out there. I had two pairs of pants and three layers on top. I need to find my snow hat because my ears were a little chilly. But other than that it was a good run. I started slower than usual because I was cold and groggy but by the last mile I had hit my flow. Not to say that I can imagine running another 22 at this point in time, but it felt good.
I am glad that I will be able to get to the team practice on Saturday at Kelly Drive. I have a feeling he may make us run the loop. That will be the longest I have run. I ran 7 miles two weeks ago, and the loop is 8.4. I don't know the coach very well but I think I am on to his plan.

There is one check in the mail waiting to be added to the page that I know of. Thanks Wallace :) And I am about to add a $10 contribution I received today from a patient. Which would bring us to........ $687!!! Which is awesome. However there are only about 6 weeks left until the deadline. I am hoping that most of the money will come from the fundraiser on Jan 16th, but I am thinking of doing a mini bake sale or something similar before then.

Today a woman saw my flier and she told me that she had Leukemia and thanked me for doing what I am doing. I wanted to thank her because I see her often and she is always smiling. I actually did not know she had leukemia, and it was really cool that she shared that with me.
I was talking to someone last night about how grateful I am. Even though my legs were sore yesterday and I was chilly this morning, the thing I need to remember is that I CAN run. And have nothing physically restricting me from it. Several people do not have choice in the matter.

To sum up:
Training is coming along...slowly but surely. It has been a MONTH already!! Time is flying by!!
Fundraising: $687 and counting.. throw me some ideas if you have any because I really need to make this deadline! oh and if you aren't already planning on it, COME JAN 16!! It's going to be a lot of fun. I am working on the details still and once I know more I will post.

Motivation for today:

"Nothing is so strong as gentleness, and nothing is so gentle as true strength. "
~ St. Francis De Sales

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