Thursday, December 31, 2009

Run it Out

I am a horrible blogger. I apologize for not updating more.. Since Ive last written I joined the gym. At first it was because the snow and ice and I am not good at distinguishing cement and black ice, so I wanted to play it safe. But then the snow went away and I have still been going to the gym, pretty much being a pansy.

Let's talk Fundraising!!!! OK so Christmas was HUGE with my fundraising progress. My brothers were home for the holidays from Florida, which was great. My brother, Sean took a stack of tickets for the benefit (LESS THAN 3 WEEKS AWAY!!!) and went to it. Within 10 minutes he had sold ten tickets!!! So I left Christmas brunch with $250 cash!! They continued selling those tickets and we broke $1,000 total!! With the $200 in checks in the mail, and the $100 in cash still needing to be put through the site...our total is...drum roll...__----___----___------___----___----__----____-----____----___ $1,237!!!

We still have to raise $3,263 but we are moving toward it!!

Saturday at the Chance family Christmas get together, my aunts pulled us all together and we started brainstorming for the event. I am really lucky to have people who want to help and are good at organizing so they can just tell me what I need to do. Well by the end of the conversation, we established that there will be Veggie Lasagna as well as the meat option, a salad, and a side for the food. Plus we will have some dessert too. A few people volunteered to donate gift baskets so we can have a raffle, on top of a 50/50. I am really excited for the 16th!! And I can't wait to see everyone there!

Now down to business: TRAINING

Bad news, my ankle has been bothering me this week. Not so much that I haven't been running, but enough for me to know it's there. It started on Sunday. Sunday the team met at Kelly Drive. It rained Saturday so I was able to ride my bike in the morning, which was great...on the way there. We ran to Falls Bridge and back for 7 3/4 miles. There were a group of us girls that ran together. In the last mile I did pull off on my own but for the other 6, I was with about 5-6 other women. We had a good, very doable pace..

Let me rewind to last Wednesday- not running related. When I woke up my Left eye wouldn't open. I have been really sensitive to light for the past couple weeks but of course have let it go until I HAD to go to the doctor..which I decided needed to happen on Wednesday. They told me that my contacts have scratched BOTH eyes and the left eye was just More infected than the right but they were both not doing too well. It was PAINFUL when they were shinning the light, trying to give me an exam. It was the first time in my life they had to hold open my eye lids..So they give me drops to use and a gunk for my Left eye at night..Oh and they dilated my Left eye for 4 days! I didn't even know that was possible but, it is. So I have been sporting the glasses and following the instructions the doctors have been giving. I have another appointment today, which will be the third in 8 days. Its getting better though..

Back to Sunday: So I finished the run and did my sliders, then hopped on the bike for the ride home. Hello sunshine! There were a few puddles on the path and the sun's reflection with my sore eyes were not a good combination. I didn't fall over but I did have the thought 'You should probably not be riding your bike right now,' go through my head. And so I walked it a few blocks until I got to a little shadier Pine Street. Later on Sunday I met up with a couple friends and went to South Philly to hit up Target and Michael's, and that's when the pain started. I was wearing my Adidas Classics, so it wasn't one of my painful pairs of shoes. My left foot, the heel and the bottom started to hurt. Monday when I woke up, I felt it again. Since then I feel it mostly when I am walking. I actually don't feel pain at all when running. Yesterday I ran in the morning before work and I was fine all day. But today it is snowing so I wore my snow boots and they are not that comfy, so the heel was barking.

Tonight I am running a 5K at Midnight!!! Now it is snowing out so I am not sure what will happen. It is the first year they are doing it at the Art Museum. I remember reading about the one in NYC last year and I thought it was so cool. Now I get to do it!!!

My miles are on the incline. Our short runs are about 3 miles and the steady are between 4 and 6 now. I will be going away this weekend to Boston, so I am going to have to do the long run Solo this week. 8 miles, I believe..maybe a little more. Yesterday morning I was watching the news and it was 20 degrees here, then the bottom of the screen said 'Boston 11' Nice!! The good news is I will be able to run at any time during the day, because I will have off..The bad news is; the cold and snow.. I am sure I will survive :)

I had a great Christmas and am looking forward to 2010!!! Thank you all for continuing to support me. Have a great New Year!!! Oh and Go EAGLES!!!! Let's get that bye..

“The key to success is often the ability to adapt” ~Unknown

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