Sunday, February 21, 2010

Attitude of Gratitude

"I tell our runners to divide the race into thirds. Run the first part with your head, the middle part with your personality, and the last part with your heart." ~Mike Fanelli

Yesterday I went for a 12 mile run. I ran on my own because I didn't get a ride to Valley Forge. This past week I have been able to relate with the quote above. The first two miles are like OK but nothing great and then I get my groove and I'm ok. Yesterday I ran up Kelly Drive to Falls Bridge. What I wasn't taking into consideration was that for the past several weeks I have been running with the Team for my long runs. After 4 or 5 miles I have grown accustomed to having a water stop and started to work in a Gu pack after about 7 miles or an hour of running. Yesterday I had nothing. When I got to Falls Bridge, I started salivating like Pavlov's dogs. Just seeing the bridge and where the water stop is usually set up made me want water SO bad. I hit 7 miles at the bridge, because I started at my house, and headed back. I stayed on the East side because I am more familiar with it and did not have to run the whole loop to reach my miles.

I was 3.5 miles away from Lloyd Hall and any drinkable water. Every runner that ran by me with gatorade or water, I envisioned taking it from them and chugging it! I am not sure what exactly I was thinking going out for a 2 hour run with nothing to drink or eat, but never again will I make that mistake. About 2 miles from Lloyd Hall I started staring at the snow, it was looking pretty good. The irony of the situation was that I was running next to the River the entire time! I finally made it to Lloyd Hall and drank some water from the sink in the bathroom. The water fountains aren't on right now because I think the pipes are frozen.Anyway, I was at 10.5 when I got to Lloyd Hall. I finished out my 12 miles, by running to CVS on 19th and Chestnut so I could buy a water and powerbar.
I ran with my Iphone so I could listen to music. I think I need a new cover though because my palm was black by the end. Yesterday was the thirstiest I have ever been running, I am glad we got that out of the way. I was even considering wearing one of those belts the hardcore runners wear. I have to figure out what is going to annoy me the least, the belt and mini bottles swishing around or holding a bottle and having that swish around. I was voicing my dilemma to a friend of mine and he just reiterated that the water situation, just like the running, is mental. If I allow it to annoy and frustrate me, it will. I remember being in High School and running with my Cd player/Walkman, which is like enormous compared to the Ipod Nano. But I made it work, because I had no other option. There was a time when I wore the headphones that connected on top, not the individual ear buds, and the plastic would clang against my earring. That annoyed me so much I wanted to break the headphones. Eventually, I got the ear buds and my serenity back. A similar situation happened when I was wearing my cross necklace, but then I just tucked it into my sports bra when I ran. The point of all of these annoyances, is that I got through it. It is not the end of the world and I will get used to the swishing or the belt if I have to.

Friday I went for a run that was supposed to be 6 miles but I had no tracker with me and ended up running 7.5. It was a very slow run and by the third mile I just didn't want to be running anymore. By the 5th I was smiling and in my groove again.I wasn't sure how to start this blog, so I figured a quote could get the ball running. These little snippets of wisdom and motivation help me when my brain hits the wall. Knowing that it is all mental and only a tiny bit physical still does not keep my mind from straying to negative thoughts at times. It's good that I have little sayings and reminders to turn the negative around. I am sure I have written on here before the huge difference having an attitude of gratitude makes, in every area of my life. When I feel sluggish and like the miles are not going anywhere, just taking a minute to be grateful that I have two working legs and the physical health to even be considering running a marathon, makes me feel better. So what if I have a sluggish mile or two, as long as I stay good to myself, I'll get there.

Friday's run I lowered the music every two miles to check in physically and just acknowledge and compliment myself on where I was right then. It's hard for me not to think about the miles and worry about how many more to go. But when I am in an ideal head space, I am enjoying the mile I am in and just floating through it. I think that I have to have some bad runs, everyone does I think. But just like in life, I think it is just so I can be truly aware and grateful of the good runs I have. Just to keep me in check from taking anything for granted. Just like there are good days and bad days. Eventually you learn to break it down even more, so you have good parts of days and bad parts. Learning to identify the good within the whole stems from gratitude too. With running I think it's like having a good mile or a not so good mile (I don't want to say bad because a mile completed, can't be a bad one right?) Anyway what I am getting at, is that training is hard when I make it hard. Yes it takes dedication to stick to the schedule and get the runs in. And it takes some work to keep my mind in line, but the reward to it all will be well worth it.

Kelly Statue

At the 7th Mile

Falls Bridge

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