Monday, February 1, 2010

On Top of the World

Yes that is frozen Gatorade from Saturday Morning's practice. Actually I guess it is more of a slush but regardless it was FFFFreezzzzinnnnGGGGG!!!!

This weekend was incredible!!! Saturday morning, we gathered around at Valley Forge in the 19 degree weather for one common goal. To run! It was a big crowd this week because the Summer Team had their first training. I felt bad for them because I don't know how I would have felt if my first practice was hills and slushy Gatorade. I was running late, because I stayed the night in Jersey at my mom's. I woke up around 6am so that I could have enough time to go back to my apartment, change, and grab the re commitment paperwork (It was due yesterday). I pulled into the parking lot about 8:05 and saw the Mass of people. I was able to sign in and get the route from someone before we took off. It was similar to the run we did two weeks ago, except when we ran two miles one way on the path and turned around..We ran another mile out and back from the split in the path. I kind of dropped back from the group in front of me around the second mile. But I brought my headphones because I was planning on running solo. This guy, Kurt, dropped back with me. He waited for me in the end last week too. I could tell that he can run faster but he was just being a good team mate. A couple weeks ago, I over heard him talking about how he just ran the Disney Marathon. So I assumed he was one of the coaches, because who the heck would be out running 10 miles two weeks after they finished a marathon? I asked him how long he has been a coach and he told me he wasn't. He's a Hero.

Looking at him I would have never thought, but then I found out it was 20 years ago. He had lymphoma and went through 3 years of treatment. He said that his body responded really well to the treatment and thankfully he was able to make a recovery. He started explaining that the longer you go, the smaller your chances. Since it has been 20 years he has the same odds as getting cancer as anyone else now. He's run 8 MARATHONS!!! That's amazing!! I wanted to ask him why he hasn't shared a mission moment at practice yet but maybe they are waiting til closer to the race.

The Mission moment last Saturday, Oh my Gosh it was so sad but inspiring. The one girl, who is running the Paris Marathon, began running with TNT because her Uncle had passed away from a blood cancer. While she was training for one of her marathons ( I can't remember how many she has done) Her father was diagnosed with the same blood cancer that her uncle had. The weekend of her marathon (It was in California and she is from Pittsburgh I think..I may have some of the details jumbled..Anyway a LONG distance) her father got worse and went into the hospital. She debated running but her mom encouraged her to go run, For her dad. And she did. Her mom was able to bring a computer into the hospital so that the dad could see her daughter cross the finish line. (He had never been able to see her finish one) And so they watched their daughter, finishing her marathon in California, right in Pittsburgh. The daughter moved home for a year to take care of her father and he passed away in September of last year ('08). She keeps running in honor of her father and her uncle. I think she said that her mom has run at least one race too, which is just absolutely amazing. As she was talking about the money being raised, she said that there were more options for her dad when he was diagnosed than there were for her uncle. Each year, the research goes farther and they really are getting closer to a cure. The fact that She was able to share all of that with us and continue to fund raise and run, I literally don't have words for the strength and inspiration she has within her. I saw her this week running and I smiled and just got more inspiration just when I needed it. I saw her around 8 miles and it was an automatic reminder as to why I was there.

Once I passed the 10 mile mark I had to calm myself down. I was only 1 mile from running the farthest I have ever ran, not in a race. I was so Happy! And I wasn't in pain at all!! Like I said I had dropped back but I never lost sight of the group in front of me and there were some runners behind me too. I looked at my phone to check the time between mile 5 and 10 and I was at a 10 min pace!!! It was incredible!!! When I finished I was glowing I'm sure.. The ride home I had the heat blaring on my face but I just couldn't get warm.

I was going to drive home to my mom's right from Valley Forge but I started to Shiver before I got to Philly so I decided to go to my apartment, shower and get warm before heading back to Jersey. I have never been so happy for a Hot shower! Because I was so cold I straightened my hair, so the weather forced me to look half presentable lol. My mom and I went to Geets Diner when I finally got back to Jersey and I was floating the rest of the day. Of course, the snow started...

On my drive to my mom's some flakes started to fall and I was SO glad it waited until then.
"We must remember that one determined person can make a significant difference, and that a small group of determined people can change the course of history.” ~Sonia Johnson

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