Monday, November 7, 2011

13 Days To GO!!!

Good Morning Bloggers!


I am still roughly $165 short of my fundraising Goal….My deadline is THIS WEDNESDAY. If you can spare even one dollar please please help me to reach my goal. Click on the Link on the top Right hand side (Make a Donation Here). It will be greatly appreciated : D


Saturday I ran my last Long run, 18 miles. It was a little bit of a chilly morning but absolutely gorgeous in Valley Green. I am so glad that two weeks ago I ran with Meg and Tara (the Coaches). I think they helped me to find some more motivation in keeping on pace. When I am alone it is easy for me to say ‘alright I will switch to a 1:2 (run: walk) then walk another 3 mins here and there. Saturday I hit every interval.

My knee did start hurting about 3 miles in, which is rare. Typically it is not until after 12 miles that I start to feel some pain in the Left knee. I saw Tara at the 5 mile water stop and let her know. I am programmed to just not say anything, because I don’t want to complain and I also don’t want someone to tell me I shouldn’t finish. I told her it is just the normal pain I feel but for some reason it is a lot sooner in the run. She asked me what I did differently this week: wore heels, different exercise, etc.. Oh yeah…Bikram. I was not sore when I woke up on Saturday morning but I did take a Bikram Yoga class Friday night til 9pm. I only got a chance to take the two classes last week and I do like it. My body did not feel like it was taking a toll but Tara told me to just wait until after the Marathon to do it again, just in case that is why my knee was hurting prematurely. By the end of the run I was not in any excruciating pain, just cold very very cold.

Tara and Meg gave me a goal of 3 hours 50 minutes for my 18 miles, two weeks ago…. I finished in 3 hours 36 mins!!! I was amazed! I had an average of a 12 minute mile. I did refrain from taking pictures until the last 3 miles, because I know that does slow me down a bit. I figured once I got this run done, next week I can mosey along on my final ten mile run with the Team before the Big Day and take as many pics as I want. Oh I did see a deer this week, which was my first for Valley Green. Just got the mental pic on that one unfortunately.

I am extremely excited about this marathon! Yesterday the NYC Marathon was on TV and I watched, as I got ready for my nap. It is so close I can almost feel it!!! This morning I was getting dressed and I think I may have lost a lb or two the last couple weeks, my pants went on pretty easily and I just did laundry yesterday. My goal has not been to lose weight, but I’ll take it.

My parents picked me up right from practice on Saturday and I went back to Jersey with them. Slept on an Aerobed overnight and woke up with some knee pain. I only slept about 4 hours (including the extra daylight savings one). Yesterday I hit that point of complete exhaustion at about noon. I did give in and take a nap before I hit my pile of Homework. I feel great today so far, got about 7 hours last night : )

I wish I had a nickel for every time someone called me crazy for the amount that I run. I started this whole marathon thingy for reasons outside of me, but now I can’t explain it. It’s like I enjoy trying to find my body’s threshold for pain. Every time I lace up it is an opportunity to battle the negativity in my mind and every time I complete my goal, positivity engulfs my whole being. I wish I could give this away to other people so they would understand, it isn’t that I’m crazy…I just like to battle every now and again.

"We are different, in essence, from other men. If you want to win something, run 100 meters. If you want to experience something, run a marathon." ~Emil Zatopek

Here are some of the pics from Saturday:

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