Thursday, November 3, 2011

HELP! Please Donate!

Ok guys! I really Really need your help! I am $265 from my goal and I have 6 days to reach it!

I thought that I would take this post to explain why I joined the Team and where the money raised goes.

Since joining the Team in 2009, I have had the opportunity to meet friends and families of survivors and those who have passed away due to these blood cancers. My coach this season is a survivor and it seems to me that everyone on the Team has their own story as to why they are running.

I joined because in 2002 my mother was diagnosed with Colon Cancer. She had a major surgery (that removed parts of her colon, intestines, and abdominal wall) and the doctors prepared us for the worst. Up to that point Cancer had always been something I had known of but that day it became a part of my life. She went through radiation and chemotherapy for the next year and miraculously made a full recovery and has been in remission since 2003. When she first came home from the hospital, we had a visiting nurse and her bed was in the living room because she was not able to walk upstairs. It was heartbreaking for me to see her that way, in so much pain. I wanted more than anything to be able to make her better, but there was nothing I could do but smile and pray for her.

In 2008, I had been looking for a job in the Penn Health System and was hired at the front desk  in the Abramson Cancer Center. I worked there almost two years, and I really loved it. I got a chance to see people of all ages and all stages of their disease. The majority of people had this distinct glow, an understanding and appreciation for life that most people didn't understand. There was a man who used to come in at 7am every week for lab work and every morning I would ask ‘How are you doing this morning?’ and his response was always ‘never had a bad day in my life.’ People like him made me extremely grateful. I, unfortunately have seen a lot of patients lose their battles with cancer, but have also got to witness a good amount beat theirs too.

No one knows how or who will be next when it comes to cancer. Even though my experience with my mom and where I worked were not leukemia, lymphoma, or myeloma patients, cancer is cancer and the closer we get to a cure for any of them, the closer we all have to beating this. When I ran in my first marathon I had ribbons on my back of the people I had known who had cancer, survivors and those who had passed. Every time I thought I couldn’t go on, I realized why I signed up in the first place. I wanted to do something for someone else, hopefully the money I raised would be able to help more than just a couple people. At mile 18 when I wanted to just take a nap or sit down for an hour or two, I had to remember this wasn’t for me. That is what got me across the finish line in May 2010.

Here is a breakdown of where the money goes:

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) is committed to curing leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma, and helping patients and their families. The support you provide is invested wisely.

Research 25.0%
Patient & Community Services   33.4%
Public Health Education   14.8%
Professional Education    3.0%
Total Program Services   76.2%

Management & General     8.3%
Fundraising        15.5%
Total Supporting Services 23.8%

LLS receives no federal funding. Because of the continued support of you and our partners and sponsors, in fiscal year 2010 we were able to:

1. invest $72 million, which includes funding for 103 new grants to researchers in academic institutions and $8 million in contracts through the LLS Therapy Acceleration Program
2. support 347 research projects in the United States, Canada and 9 other countries
3. provide financial assistance to patients
4. sponsor scientific conferences around the country
5. produce educational materials and videos
6. run dozens of Family Support Groups nationwide

The Team experience has been and continues to be incredible. The sea of purple jerseys that take over on race day and hearing everyone yell ‘GO TEAM’ as you run by is amazing! The stories we hear (called Mission Moments) every week before our long runs about why people joined or if there is a survivor and they tell us why they are there. That is why I stayed with the Team. We run with a Purpose and the statistics below show you exactly how the money raised is being used.

I know that it is a difficult time for every one with the economy, but just thinking about your normal day there is a dollar or two that can be spared. I know for me, I had to take a cut back on the amount of coffee I buy each week. That alone, is $10-15 I save per week. Donations are tax deductible and you are emailed a receipt right when you donate. Please help me reach my goal, so we can continue to make a difference, one mile at a time.

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